Eagles Wings Success Stories: Fifth Edition

Eagles Wings exist to serve EW Zambia. The organisations work together to see orphans and vulnerable children realise and reach their God given potential.
The Eagles Wings Australian directors and event coordinators work on a voluntary basis in order to maximise donations; seeing funds directly reach where they are needed.
Meet Abdu, another one of the EAGLE WINGS beautiful success stories.
This is Abdu's story
I was raised up in Twapia compound, where young people find it difficult to have an opportunity of being in school because of financial challenges.
I myself never had hopes that I will ever be in school but Eagles Wings came through and I started my grade 1 till the time I completed my Secondary level.
Eagles Wings has continued sponsoring me because my family is financially incapable of doing so, and now I'm a second-year student studying Information Technology.
Eagles Wings sponsorship has greatly changed my life because I was just another kid with no hope for the future but through their sponsorship, they have given me the future and not only me but also other young people out there. It has changed my life and the level of education in the community.
Donate today and help create a better life for these Zambian children in need!